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Pet Friendly Rural House in Girona. Mastorrencito

Live a unique experience in Mastorrencito, the perfect Pet Friendly cottage for you and your pets.


Pet Friendly Lodging

Live a unique experience in Mastorrencito, the Pet Friendly rural house in Parets d’Empordà (Girona) perfect for you and your pets.

Enjoy the tranquility of our environment with our garden, swimming pool, barbecue… and complement your experience with excursions and routes to charming villages near us, beaches, gastronomic tourism, and much more! Book now and live an unforgettable vacation with us!

Nuestra habitación Castaña: un refugio acogedor
Masto en MasTorrencito

Why do I love you so much?

Many of us have said that phrase to ourselves, looking at our dog while he sleeps at the foot of the sofa, or when he greets us as if we were coming back from a war… after just taking out the garbage. And the answer has no mystery, no fancy

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Your dog makes you happy? by MasTorrencito

Of all the happy moments you’ve had throughout your life… how many involved your dog (or dogs)? Take the test. Close your eyes for a moment and start rewinding those memories you hold dearest. How many times, in those moments of true happiness, was there a dog by your side?

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Maky, el asesino de ovejas de Mastorrencito

How to be happy and not die trying

That’s the big question. And for many, it remains unanswered. But before we dive into philosophical answers or self-help books, it’s worth starting with something simpler: what is happiness, really? And then we start to get complicated. Because we are not clear about what it is. Because we believe it

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And if we were to win the lottery…

Sometimes I imagine it unintentionally, like a fleeting thought. But other times, like last night, I get lost in the idea with all the details. I saw myself with that winning ticket in my hand, the one that my dear blind man Ramón brought me, with his usual smile, as

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We take care of your experience



Mastorrencito te ofrece una experiencia completa para pasar tus vacaciones, un descanso o simplemente para disfrutar con tus amigos, familia y mascota.