Well… where do I start? Because what a KK weekend, with all the letters. One of those that leave you with a weird mix of frustration and a silly smile when you remember it.

Because it’s been a weird weekend… very weird. On the one hand, a total disaster. On the other, an unexpected gift.

Let’s take it one step at a time.

Not one customer. Zero. Nothing. Not one. And I am not exaggerating. It seemed like we were in the middle of a pandemic again, with the doors open but silence filling everything. And of course, one is left with a face of … but what is this? Where are the people? Where have they all gone? Because the most curious thing is that the previous weekend we could have had five more rooms and still filled them. And the next one… we only have two left. But this one… this one has been like a joke of fate.

And of course, you can’t take it in any other way than with humor, because if you don’t, you’ll pull your hair out. 😂

But look, in spite of that -or maybe precisely because of that- it has been one of those weekends that, without planning it, becomes something special. Because since there was nothing to do, we had the whole house to ourselves and the kids. And that, believe me, never happens.

The little ones were lost and lost. They didn’t understand anything. They looked at us as if to say: “What about the guests? What about the usual hustle and bustle? What about the greetings, the backpacks, the suitcases rolling on the floor?” None of that. Just us, the sound of the rain falling mercilessly, and a lot of free time that we didn’t even know how to handle.

And on top of that… the rain! My goodness, the rain was like a disaster movie. Water, water and more water. Seriously, it had been a long time since we had seen such a heavy sky. But well, since we didn’t have to rush to prepare breakfast or wait for check-ins, we took it easy. No rush, no stress… even with pleasure, I would say. Because you know what happens: you only have to be out for a moment for something to go wrong, and you only have to be away for something weird to happen. But this weekend there was nothing to go wrong, because there was nothing at all.

So we took the opportunity and went to l’Ametlla del Vallès, which as La Mire says (and rightly so): “Como el Vallès… res”. We went to eat with her parents, brothers-in-law, nieces… a Saturday plan that we had not repeated for ages. To give you an idea: my mother-in-law changed the kitchen two years ago… and I still hadn’t seen it! 😂 Yes, that’s how intense the last few years have been.

relax… weekend to enjoy our mastorrencito

And of course, we got there and the kids went absolutely crazy. Mastitwo (aka “the earthquake with legs”) decided it was the perfect time to empty the laundry bucket and spread it all over the house. On the stairs, in the rooms… a full-fledged textile catwalk. Another one was busy disorganizing all the boots in the hall, as if he was sorting them for an exhibition. And what do you do? Laugh. Because that’s their way of telling us that they didn’t like being left alone.

Because yes, they communicate too, in their own way. You just have to learn to read between the lines (or between piles of discarded socks). And I’ll tell you one thing: they express themselves wonderfully. One doesn’t say anything -Maky, the poor guy, is a saint-, but the other two… my goodness! If it’s not one thing, it’s another. They know it all. And the funny thing is that, in their madness, they know them all, They are super good. They’ve never broken anything, they don’t wreck anything, they just transport clothes from one place to another. As if it was their official job.

And there we were, between domestic chaos, family nostalgia, torrential rain and that rare tranquility that a weekend without guests gives you, that you don’t know if it’s rest or bewilderment.

But, at the end of the day, these weekends are also worth gold. Because without wanting to, they give you what you don’t usually have: time. Time to breathe, to be, to look out the window without a clock, to laugh at the chaos and not run around. Time to realize that sometimes, even if the plan is “KK”, the gift is in the unexpected.

Reflection: When what doesn’t happen… also happens for a reason.

Sometimes life gives us just the opposite of what we expected. A weekend without clients, without the usual hustle and bustle, without the comings and goings that so characterizes our routine… may seem like a disappointment. And in a way, it is. Because yes, one expects everything to flow, that the work does not stop, that the efforts bear immediate fruit. And when that doesn’t happen, it’s inevitable to feel that little twinge of frustration.

But then, when you stop for a moment and look beyond the apparent emptiness, you realize that life also speaks to you in those silences. That the unexpected rest is a pause you didn’t know you needed. That the absent noise leaves space to listen to other things: the sound of the rain, the laughter of the kids, an unhurried conversation with your partner, the reunion with the family that always waits even if years go by.

Sometimes having nothing to do… is just the right thing to do. And in the midst of the domestic chaos, the scattered socks and the messy boots, a simple but powerful lesson is hidden: life is also lived when nothing extraordinary happens. And right there, in the everyday, in the unplanned, in what seems like a “KK weekend”… there is also beauty, there is also rest, and there is also gratitude.

Because what seemed like a bad weekend, may have been the only real space life gave you to just be. And that, sometimes, is worth more than filling all the rooms in the world.

From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and may your dogs be with you!!!!

If you want, you can see our vouchers for weekends, retirees vouchers, at an incredible price … go to www.mastorrencito.com or if you want you can read more history and anecdotes that have happened to us in MasTorrencito … Click here


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