Sometimes you think you’ve seen it all… until the French arrive.
Yesterday, for example, a couple landed in Mas Torrencito that looked like something out of a surrealist comedy, but without the script, without rehearsals… and without grace. They arrived two hours earlier than expected, because of course, punctuality is for the mediocre. Me, as a good host, smiling and ready to teach them everything with love. Naive of me
I show them the bar. She looks away. I show her the beers, and she “¡Frescoes!” , I show them the soft drinks, and “What about the wine?” , I bring out the wine, and “What about breakfast?” … My mother! It was like playing trivia with someone who answers questions from another game.
And I con mi mejor face of “todo bien, todo correcto, y yo que me alegro”, while the man, who looked more handsome, asked him to shut up in a language that even God no longer understood.
We went out into the patio and suddenly I let out a scream—literally, a scream—that almost made my soul jump out of my body. Me with a scared rabbit face and her asking if the dogs “bite and attack” . Excuse me? Are we on a safari? In Jurassic Park ? Where does he think he came, to a rural house or the lion’s cage?
I translate it with Google: “Have they been attacked or bitten since they arrived??” Answer: “No”. Sure, ma’am, because they don’t. Because they are dogs, yes. But polite Which, viso lo viso, some people don’t.

I was about to write it also in the translator: “Y las personas, ¿murden e interrupten siempre así?”, but I restrained myself. Because one is rural, yes, but diplomatic.
When we finally arrive at the dining room, new episode of the show: “What’s for breakfast? Do they have unicorn milk? Croissants brought from Paris on the back of a French snail?” . But lady, if they haven’t even taken off their shoes yet!
I show you the room. Of course, they had reserved the cheapest one, but she, who had the agility of a sack of potatoes filled with arrogance, couldn’t even fit in her own ego. So I offered them one with a terrace, to see if the air lowered the decibels.
Finally they say they will not dine here. That they are going to Figueres. There each one with his karma. I say goodbye politely and go to the kitchen. Five minutes later, there is a knock on the door. The man shows me his cell phone with a message worthy of the Nobel Prize for Despair: “No le gusta.” We’re going.”
So As if they were Michelin stars who have not found their level of sophistication among happy dogs, olive trees and countryside.
I looked out the window and he was already in the parking lot. She was walking halfway down the road, staggering as if her soul had also left her body… but without haste, no dogs, no dignity.
And yes, they left. And I breathed. Hondo
Final reflection:
Sometimes we think that dogs are the ones who should be on a leash. But no…
Sometimes it would be better to put a muzzle on the ego, a leash on the manners and a chip on the empathy.
Because if you come to the countryside expecting the cinco estrellas hotel protocol, without respect, without listening, without opening up to the place… maybe the problem is not the place. It’s because you’re making too much noise inside to listen to the beautiful silence of the environment.
And hey… that sometimes, it’s better to be empty… than full of people who don’t know how to be. 🐾
From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and may your dogs accompany you!!!!
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