If you are reading this, it is because at some point it has crossed your mind to share your life with a dog.
And let me tell you something: don’t hesitate. If you are lucky enough to have a space like Mastorrencito, where dogs and humans can be happy together, then there are no excuses. A dog in your life is much more than a four-legged companion. It is an inexhaustible source of love, laughter and lessons that no other living being can give you.
I, Manuela, know it well. For more than 16 years, I lived in Mastorrencito, surrounded by nature, two-legged and four-legged friends, and humans who understood what it really means to share life with a dog. Now, from where I am (perhaps chasing butterflies in some corner of the universe), I want to tell you why you should take that step.
1. You will never be alone
When a human and a dog choose each other, they become family. It doesn’t matter if you’ve had a bad day, if the news is full of wars, tension and problems, or if you’re feeling exhausted. We dogs are there, always. We don’t judge, we don’t demand explanations. We’re just there, tail wagging and eyes alert, ready to make everything seem a little less gray.

2. You will learn to live in the present
Humans think too much. They worry about the future, they regret the past… We, on the other hand, know something that you forget: life is now. The morning sun, the breeze that moves the leaves, the joy of an unhurried walk… Having a dog is to be constantly reminded that happiness is in the simple things.
And if you are lucky enough to live in or visit Mastorrencito, a place where nature is the true protagonist, what more do you need? There, time is measured in happy barking, runs through the countryside and naps in the sun.
3. We will force you to move (and that’s a good thing).
Stress? Mental fatigue? Nothing a good walk can’t solve. When you have a dog, there’s no excuse to stay cooped up. Every day there’s a new adventure waiting outside. And at Mastorrencito, every trail, every green corner, every creek is an invitation to enjoy together.
We don’t need gyms or smart watches to know what’s good for the body and mind. We just need our human and some space to run and explore.
4. You will become more sociable (even if you don’t want to).
A dog is a magnet for human connections. You may not realize it, but when you hang out with us, people smile more, conversations come up effortlessly, and without realizing it, you’re part of a community.
In places like Mastorrencito, where people who love dogs meet, friendships are created that otherwise would never have existed. Because in the end, sharing the love for dogs reminds us that this world is not all selfishness, haste and noise.
5. We will teach you what unconditional love is.
Humans talk a lot about love, but sometimes they forget what it really means. We dogs have it clear: to love is to be there, always. No conditions, no expectations.
If you decide to share your life with a dog, you will discover what it’s like to come home and be greeted by someone as if you were the best thing that happened to them that day (because you are). You will learn that love doesn’t need words, only presence.
So… what are you waiting for?
If you are lucky enough to have a place like Mastorrencito, where dogs and humans can be happy together, then there is no excuse. Not only will you change a dog’s life, but that dog will change yours in ways you can’t yet imagine.
I was lucky enough to live more than 16 years surrounded by love, nature and freedom. If I could make one wish, it would be for more humans to discover the magic of sharing their life with a dog. Because in times of crisis, stress and dehumanization, what we need most is to return to the essentials: love, companionship and simple moments full of happiness.
And believe me, you won’t find any of that on a screen or in the latest news of the day. But you will find it in the gaze of a dog waiting for you with a heart full of love, ready to make you forget everything else.
Manuela 🐾
Reflection: The Gift You Didn’t Know You Needed
Manuela’s story is not only the story of a dog who lived a full life in Mastorrencito, but proof that dogs have the ability to transform our lives in a way that few other things can.
In a world where stress, uncertainty and disconnection between people are increasingly common, the presence of a dog brings us back to basics. It teaches us to value the simple moments, to feel accompanied on difficult days and to remember that true love needs no explanations.
We spend our lives looking for happiness in complex things: success, recognition, accumulation of material goods… but in the end, what really fills the soul is something as simple as the look of a faithful dog, the sound of its paws running through the grass or the moment when it curls up next to us after a long day.
Places like Mastorrencito show us that there are still places where the connection between humans and animals is authentic, where nature is respected and where life can be lived with less haste and more meaning.
Perhaps Manuela’s message is the one we need most in these times: live in the present, find happiness in the simple and open the doors of your life to a dog. Because, even if you think you are the one who gives him a home, in reality, he will be the one who gives it to you.
From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and may your dogs be with you!!!!
If you want, you can see our vouchers for weekends, retirees vouchers, at an incredible price … enter www.mastorrencito.com or if you want you can read more history and anecdotes that have happened to us in MasTorrencito ….