Sometimes life surprises you with people who come along to remind you that family doesn’t always have to be blood. That’s what happens to me with Nil. El Nil: The Son I Never Had
To be honest, I don’t have children, but if life had given me the opportunity to be a father, without a second’s hesitation, I would have wanted a son like him. And I’m not just saying that; I’m saying it because Nil has that perfect mix of kindness, intelligence, tenderness and joy that makes anyone who meets him feel lucky.

A Child Who Steals Your Heart
From the first moment I met him, I knew he was special. There is something about him, a kind of light, a kind of energy, that makes you always want to have him around. Nil is not just a nice guy, he is someone who really connects with people and animals, who listens, who laughs, and who makes you feel like you are the most important thing in the world when you are with him.
He is always up for any plan, but what I like most about him is that he never seeks to be the center of attention. His presence is like a warm hug: he makes you feel comfortable, good, happy. And that, believe me, is not something that comes easily.
Magic with Dogs: As if It Were One More
If there’s one thing that melts my heart, it’s seeing him with my dogs. Masto, Maky, Mamas and Mastitwo adore him, and no wonder. When Nil is with them, there is no shouting, no orders; there is only complicity. He sits on the floor at their height, caresses them, talks to them as if they were his best friends, and they respond with licks, tails that don’t stop wagging and that happiness that only dogs know how to show.
Once, while watching him play with them, I kept thinking to myself, “If I had had a son, I wish I had had this special connection with animals.” Because Nil doesn’t just give them affection, he also understands them. He knows when Mamas needs extra cuddles, when Mastitwo is full of energy and needs to run, and even when Maky just wants to sit next to him and enjoy his company. It’s something you don’t teach; you just have it.
Conversations That Feed the Soul
The other thing that fascinates me about Nil is how he fills the house with life. When we’re in the kitchen, it’s not just the bustle of dishes or the aroma of pizza in the oven. It’s Nil telling a story, sharing an anecdote or asking a question with that genuine curiosity that makes you feel like the world still has hope.
I remember one time we were preparing a meal. Nil, his hands full of pizza dough, said, “You know, if I could choose any time to live, I think I’d choose this one, because this way I can be here, with you guys and the dogs.” It was one of those sentences that disarms you, because not just anyone says it, let alone a teenager.
In a world where most kids don’t let go of their cell phones, Nil is fully present. He talks, laughs, listens. And he doesn’t just listen out of politeness, he really listens, with that look that tells you, “What you’re telling me matters.”
Exemplary Education
It’s clear that Nil comes from a family that has done things right. But it’s not just education; it’s also his nature. Because you can teach someone to be polite, but you can’t teach them to be kind-hearted. And Nil is. He’s respectful, generous, and always has a kind gesture or a word of thanks.
He once said to me, “Thank you for inviting me, I always have an amazing time here.” And he said it with such sincerity that it got me thinking. “How many teenagers take the time to say something like that?” That combination of gratitude and joy is what makes him unique.
Nil and the Play in Vilobí d’Onyar: A Lesson in Emotions
There are moments in life that, without expecting them, hit you right in the heart. One of those moments was given to me by Nil, and it was during a play in Vilobí d’Onyar. I’ll never forget it, because even I, who am usually quite hard on children (ok, a little bit naughty, I admit it), was moved in a way I hadn’t felt in years.
The Surprise at the Theater
The day started out like any other. I didn’t have a big plan, but I heard there was a play in town, and I thought, “Why not? Something different for a change.” I arrived without much expectation, sat at the back of the theater and prepared to see whatever was coming. But what I didn’t know was that I wasn’t just going to enjoy a performance that day; I was going to be part of something much more special.
Suddenly, I saw him. There was Nil, on stage, dressed for his role, with that sparkle in his eyes that always characterizes him. I didn’t know he was part of the play, and although I’m not one to get excited easily about these things, I admit I was impressed. Nil wasn’t just another kid performing; he had a presence, a confidence, that made you want to follow his every move. But the best was yet to come.

The Illusion in His Eyes
In the middle of the play, Nil saw me in the audience. At first I thought he had imagined it, but no: his eyes lit up as if he had just seen an old friend in the least expected place. I don’t know how to describe it, but that moment was magical. A mixture of surprise, joy and pride came over his face, as if the simple fact that I was there made it all worthwhile.
When the play ended and the actors went out to greet the audience, Nil looked for me with his eyes. And when our eyes met again, he gave me the most genuine and happy smile I have ever seen. At that moment, something inside me, that armor I usually have with children, broke. I became emotional in a way I didn’t expect. “Look at you, you’re such a jerk,” I thought, “but this kid’s got you in his pocket.”
The Meeting After the Function
After the play, I went to greet him. He was surrounded by his family and friends, all congratulating him, but when he saw me approaching, he stopped everything he was doing and ran to me. “I can’t believe you came!” he said to me, with that mixture of amazement and joy that only someone like Nil can express.
“Well, of course I came,” I replied, although I didn’t really know myself why I had ended up there. But seeing him so happy, I realized that even if I had planned a thousand things for that day, none of them would have been as special as being there for him.
He hugged me with that sincerity that children have when they are really excited. And even though I’m not a hugger, that gesture touched my soul. At that moment I thought, “If I had had a son, I would have wanted him to be like Nil, someone who is moved by things as simple as you being there for him.”
A Life Lesson
That afternoon in Vilobí d’Onyar left me with a lesson I didn’t expect: sometimes the simplest moments, like attending a play, can become unforgettable memories. Not because of what you see or do, but because of how the people who are with you make you feel.
Nil reminded me that, although I sometimes act tough, it doesn’t take much to touch someone’s heart. All you need is a sincere smile, a look full of illusion, or a hug that asks for nothing more than sharing a moment of happiness.
And that’s Nil: a child who effortlessly reminds you how important it is to be present for the people who matter. Because in the end, it’s not about grand gestures or elaborate words, it’s about those little moments that make you feel like you’re part of something special.
So yes, I’m more of a dog person than a kid person, I got excited that day as I hadn’t been for years. And all thanks to Nil’s crack. ❤
The Son I Dreamed of Having
So yes, I say it without hesitation: if life had given me a son, I would have wanted him to be like Nil. Not because he’s perfect (although he’s close), but because he has a huge heart, a curious mind and a soul that lights up everything around him.
He is someone who understands the value of the little things: an afternoon playing with the dogs, a conversation in the kitchen, or just being present, enjoying the moment. Nil reminds me that you don’t need big plans or material things to be happy; you just need to be surrounded by those you love, be they people or dogs.
And even though he’s not my son, every time I see him playing with Masto or telling a story in the kitchen, I can’t help but feel proud of him. Because Nil, with his contagious laugh and his heart of gold, has found a way to occupy a special place in my life and in my heart.
He is a crack, yes, but he is much more than that.
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