In a sunny and cheerful garden, inhabited by dogs of all breeds, colors and sizes, lived Marchena, a French bulldog with a frown on his face. Marchena was not just any dog: he was the self-proclaimed guardian of the yard rules. Marchena, the world’s unhappiest little dog.
He not only imposed them, but interpreted them according to his mood. His main mission in life was to make sure that everyone played as he saw fit.
But what infuriated him most was that some dogs, in their eagerness for independence, dared to question his authority.
The conflict in the courtyard
One day, a Scottish dog named Terri-whom everyone affectionately called “the Scottie”-began barking excitedly:
-I’ve decided I want my own corner of the yard! I’m going to stake out my space and call it “The Scottish Territory”!
The announcement unleashed chaos among the dogs. The more carefree ones kept running after the ball, but the more curious ones came closer to hear Terri’s plan. He had his reasons: his part of the yard was always trampled by the big guys and, according to him, he deserved a place of his own where he could bury his bones without anyone digging them up.
Marchena found this intolerable.
-What are you saying, Terri? -He barked from his watch rock, “The yard belongs to everyone, under my rules! How can you even think of such a subversive statement? That’s a direct attack on the canine order!
-It’s not an attack, Marchena, I just want my own space. Why do you always think everyone is against you? -Terri answered calmly, although her tail began to twitch.
-Because you are! -Marchena growled, and immediately began to devise a plan to stop what he called “the canine process.

Marchena’s offensive. The unhappiest puppy in the world.
Marchena decided that he could not allow such an insurrection. For weeks, he worked tirelessly to discredit Terri. He began by gathering his most loyal followers, those who could still stand him thanks to the chuces, and told them:
-Terri wants to destroy the patio! If we let him get away with it, soon everyone will want their own space and it will turn into total chaos. We have to act firmly!
-But Marchena, isn’t it just a corner? -asked a shy corgi. It doesn’t seem so serious…
-Don’t be naive! -Marchena cut him off. Today it’s a corner, tomorrow they’ll want the drinking fountain, and the day after…. the box for the chuces!
Moreover, Marchena did not hesitate to use the worst tricks to intimidate Terri. She constantly barked at him in front of everyone, accused him of stealing the chuces (even though everyone knew it was Marchena who had them hidden), and even convinced some dogs that Terri wanted to keep the whole garden for himself.
One day, in the middle of a doggy assembly, Marchena made his final threat:
-If you continue with this plan, Terri, I will make you the most marginalized dog in the yard! No one will give you a ball or share your chops with you!
-Do what you want, Marchena! -I just want to run in peace,” Terri replied, standing up to her.
The canine trial. Marchena, the unhappiest dog in the world.
Finally, Marchena decided to set up an impromptu trial to “judge” Terri’s actions. He sat atop his rock, striking a pose worthy of a supreme judge, while all the dogs gathered in curiosity.
-Terri, you are accused of trying to divide the courtyard, destroy our coexistence and… of barking too loudly,” said Marchena.
-This is absurd. I just want to be respected like everyone else,” Terri replied, tired of all the theatrics.
The trial lasted hours. Marchena missed no detail, no matter how small, to convict Terri. He brought witnesses (most of them bribed with chuces) who testified against him. In the end, the French bulldog declared himself victorious.
-The courtyard will remain united under my rules! -he announced with satisfaction.
The reality of the garden
However, despite his “triumph”, Marchena was still the unhappiest little dog in the world. While Terri and the others went back to playing as if nothing had happened, Marchena returned to his corner, convinced that everyone was against him.
Ironically, the courtyard continued to be filled with laughter and running, while he continued to watch bitterly, lonely but clinging to his rules. And Terri? Although she didn’t get her official corner, she found a space to bury her bones quietly. By the end of the day, he realized that freedom was greater than any rules Marchena could impose.
The garden remained free, but Marchena, by his own choice, remained locked in his own corner of misfortune.
From Mas Torrencito we wish you a good day and that your dog accompanies you !!!!
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