There are places that are much more than just a physical space. Places that become extensions of our soul, part of our identity, shelters that define us and keep the best of ourselves. MasTorrencito: The Place Where the Soul Dwells
MasTorrencito is, without a doubt, one of those places. For those who do not know it, it may seem like a house, a business or a project. But for those who have lived it, for those who have felt it, it is much more. It is a magical corner where stories, memories and love intertwine to give life to something unique. Something that cannot be described in words, although I will try to do it here.
Almost 20 years ago, MasTorrencito began as a dream, one that seemed difficult to achieve. It was a challenge, an adventure, a crazy idea that with effort and dedication we managed to turn into reality. But building it was not an easy task. It was necessary to put the soul in every detail, in every decision, in every moment. I didn’t do it alone, of course. Mireia has been during the last 9 years and continues to be a fundamental piece in all this. Mireia, with her ability to always see the light in the dark days, with her laughter that illuminates any situation and with her unconditional dedication. She is not only my partner in this project, she is my ally, my confidant and the silent force that has allowed me to move forward when things get complicated. Together, we have shaped MasTorrencito, not only as a physical place, but as a home in the deepest sense of the word.
Every corner of this place has its own story, and every story is impregnated with love. Because if anything defines MasTorrencito, it is love: love for dogs, love for people, love for nature and love for life itself. I perfectly remember Miss Manuela, with her calm and wise look, as if she could read my soul without the need for words. Don Markos and Mr. Mastiff, filling the days with crazy races, with that overflowing energy that only dogs have. Max, always loyal, always ready to be by my side, like a silent shadow. And Macarena, with her infinite tenderness, that sweetness that conquered even the hardest hearts. They, our first companions, were the ones who taught us the true meaning of unconditional love. Although they are no longer physically present, their presence is felt in every corner of MasTorrencito. They are in the air we breathe, in the wind that caresses the trees, in the sunsets that paint the sky with warm colors. And above all, they are in my heart, where they will always live.
Today, the present is filled by Mamas, Mastitwo, Maky and Masto. Each one with his unique personality, with his antics, with his gestures that make us laugh and, sometimes, despair a little bit. Mamas with her protective character, Mastitwo with that playful spark, Maky with his autistic sweetness and Masto with his infinite energy and love for stones. They are the ones who today fill our lives with joy and remind us every day how lucky we are to share our lives with them. Because dogs have that unique ability to teach us to live in the present, to remind us of what really matters.
But MasTorrencito would not be what it is without all the people and dogs that have passed through here over the years. There have been thousands, literally thousands, who have crossed this threshold. Each one with their own story, their own energy, their own love. I remember with special affection Roberto and Ines, our dear Italians, who were here from day one. That first day was like jumping into the void, full of nervousness, excitement and a little bit of fear. Today, so many years later, they are still part of this family. With their unmistakable routine: Ines getting up early to walk Guapi, coffee in hand, and always responding with her characteristic shrug of the shoulders when I ask her: “Are you leaving today? His answer, “Maybe,” always makes me laugh. It is those little things, those routines, that have shaped the soul of MasTorrencito.
And then there are all of you, our guests, our extended family. Each person who has passed through here has left an indelible mark. Some came in search of peace, others to share laughter, and others simply to heal. Here we have shared tears, hugs, love stories and goodbyes. We have experienced moments of overflowing joy and others of deep sadness. But each of these moments has contributed to make MasTorrencito what it is today: a place where life, with all its lights and shadows, is lived intensely.
Yesterday, December 28, we made that joke that left me pondering: what would become of me if one day I had to leave MasTorrencito? That idea, even if it’s just a possibility, weighs on my heart. Because this place is not just a business, not even just a home. It is part of me, of Mireia, of the dogs, of you. It’s part of our history, of our effort, of our lives. I can’t imagine waking up somewhere else, working somewhere else, walking another terrain. Every stone, every tree, every corner of MasTorrencito keeps the memories of almost two decades of life. And whenever I talk to Mireia about the future, I tell her, half jokingly, half seriously: “When my time comes, let them cremate me and throw me in the septic tank”. Because even that pit, in its own peculiar way, is part of this story.
It is true that we are animals of habit and that life teaches us to adapt. But it is also true that there are places that are irreplaceable. And MasTorrencito is one of them. Not because of its walls, not because of its terrain, not even because of its natural beauty. It is irreplaceable because stories have been woven here that could not be repeated anywhere else. It is the effort of so many years, the love of the dogs that have accompanied us, and the magic of the people who have made this place unique.
If I had to leave someday, I would do it with a broken heart, but full of gratitude. Gratitude for everything MasTorrencito has given me. Because this place is not just a place. It is a heart that beats with strength, with love, and with the thousands of stories that have been lived here. Stories that will remain forever, in me, in Mireia, in the dogs and in all of you.
So, no matter what happens, MasTorrencito will live forever. In our souls, in our memories, and in every corner of this magical place we have been lucky enough to call home.
From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and that your dogs accompany you !!!!
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