Oh… I never imagined that writing this letter would be so complicated, perhaps the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life. How does one say goodbye to all that one has known and loved? How does one put into words a whole journey full of experiences, memories and affections? And yet, here I am, with a heavy heart, writing this little word that is so hard to say: FAREWELL.
These have been wonderful years. My life, although simple, has been full of moments of joy, laughter and unique things. I have witnessed so many stories, so many moments that have touched my soul. I never lacked anything, I always had a place, a purpose. And although life is never perfect, I can’t complain, because I have been more than fortunate.
I was never sick. I never suffered great hardship. Never until today have I had to say goodbye to anyone close to me. How strange that sounds! But it is true. I have been lucky enough to be part of a life full of love and meaning. And that, for someone like me, is a privilege.
Ah… how could I forget those love-filled licks from Manuela, Markos, Mamás, Masto, Mastín, Mastitwo, Max, Macarena, Mató, Maky… Ah, the Maky’s! They never failed. Always so attentive, so close. They knew what I had inside me, they knew there was something for them, something that belonged to them as much as to me. That connection, that silent but deep understanding… I will miss them so much, more than I can express.

I have lived through it all. I have witnessed sunny days and endless rains, noisy parties and deep silences. I have been there in moments of euphoria and also in moments of loneliness. I have been useful, necessary, even indispensable at times. Others, maybe I felt forgotten, relegated, but I always knew that sooner or later they would look for me, they would need me. And that… that was enough for me.
I remember what my grandmother used to say, “If you had not existed, we would have to invent you.” How true those words are! Because, although simple, I have been part of something bigger, something important. I have witnessed lives being built, lives being changed, lives being grown. I have been there to receive, to hold, to be a refuge in the midst of chaos.
But everything in this life has an end, right? And now, mine has come. No more stories for me, no more days ahead. But you know what? I have no fear. I have no sadness. Just gratitude, immense gratitude for all that I lived, for all that I was, for all that they meant to me.
It has been many years together. Years full of laughter, of complicity, of unforgettable moments. And although my time here is over, I want you to know that I will always carry you in my heart. You were my reason for being, and that will never change, wherever I am.
So here I am, with these words that bid me farewell, leaving a little piece of me in each one of you. Thank you, thank you for everything. For the laughter, for the tears, for the times you looked at me with affection or with need. Thank you for being my home, my company, my world.
With infinite love and eternal gratitude,
The garbage can.
From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and may your dogs be with you!!!!
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