Javier lived in Madrid, in a modern penthouse with large windows that let in all the daylight. From his terrace he could see the Retiro, an oasis where, however, he rarely walked. The loneliness of the one who has everything and the fortune of the one who has dogs
His life was designed for success: impeccable suits, a job that filled his bank account with zeros, and the kind of freedoms that many dream of, like deciding on a Wednesday afternoon that Friday he would be in Bali. He had everything that is supposed to make anyone happy… except happiness itself.

I knew because we talked a lot. Javier and I had been friends since college, but our lives had taken completely different paths. While he was rising through the ranks in the corporate world, I had decided to live in Mas Torrencito, Girona, in a farmhouse surrounded by woods that I transformed into a rural house where dogs were always welcome. My three life companions -Manuela, Markos and Max- were the real hosts of the place, stealing the show even from the most demanding guests.
Javier was always curious about my life, as if he was trying to decipher the secret of why I seemed so calm while he, surrounded by luxuries, felt an emptiness he could not explain.
-Man, I don’t know how you do it. Living in the country, taking care of a rural house, being surrounded by dogs… Don’t you get bored? -he asked me one night on the phone, from the comfort of his attic.
-Bored? With Manuela, Markos and Max? Not for a second. Are you bored? -I answered with a smile that he could hear through the phone.
There was silence. Javier never answered those questions directly, but I already knew the answer.
-Why don’t you adopt a dog? -I threw at him, as I always did when the conversation took that turn.
-You know why. If travel, if work, if…” And here came the endless list of excuses. But this time something in his tone was different. As if he was no longer so convinced of his own reasons.

A month later, Javier decided to come visit me. It was unusual for him to leave his comfortable routine to venture to the lost corner where he lived, but he had bought an electric car and wanted to try it out on a long trip.
The sound of the engine, barely audible, broke the calm of the afternoon when he arrived at the farmhouse. From the porch, I watched him get off with that smile he always wore, although I could see what was behind it: tiredness, loneliness. My dogs, of course, were the first to welcome him.
Manuela, always the most affectionate, jumped towards him as if she had known him all her life. Markos, reserved and distrustful, watched from a distance. Max, the naughty one, was already sticking his snout in the trunk of his car, probably looking for something to steal.
-What a welcome! -Javier laughed, bending down to pet Manuela, who had already adopted him as her new best friend.
-They have a special talent for making you feel loved,” I replied, as I invited him in.
That night, we dined on the porch, illuminated by the soft candlelight and the distant glow of the moon. I prepared a beef stew, homemade bread and some local wine. While Javier talked about his latest travels -Tokyo, Dubai, New York-, I told him anecdotes from the farmhouse: the day a guest let his dog chase a goat through the woods, or how Manuela always knew how to win over the shyest customers.
-It’s funny, you know? -said Javier as he looked at the dogs dozing at our feet. I spend the day surrounded by people, at meetings, parties, events… but I’ve never felt as accompanied as I do now.
-That’s because they don’t ask you for anything, Javier. Just to be with you. -I paused and looked him straight in the eye. I’ve told you a thousand times: adopt a dog.
He sighed, and for the first time didn’t pull out the list of excuses. He just mumbled a:
-Maybe I should.
Walk through the woods with MasTorrencito’s mascots
The next morning, I took him for a walk in the woods surrounding the farmhouse. The fresh air, the smell of the pines and the singing of the birds created a scenery that looked like something out of a fairy tale. My dogs ran free, chasing sticks and disappearing into the trees, only to return with their tongues out and tails wagging like fans.
Javier walked in silence, observing every detail. He left his cell phone in the car, something rare for him, and focused on the moment.
-Is it always like this? -he asked me as Max dropped a stick at his feet, looking at him with expectant eyes.
-Always. All they need is this: to run, to breathe, to be with you.
In a moment, Manuela sat down next to him, resting her head on his leg. Javier stroked her ears, and I saw something in her expression I hadn’t seen before: calm.
-I didn’t know I could feel this way. -His voice was a whisper, as if he were sharing a secret with himself.
The return of javier
Weeks later, I received a message from him. It was a photo. It showed Javier, sitting on his terrace in Madrid, hugging a mongrel dog with big ears and a sweet look.
-Her name is Nala. I adopted her yesterday. I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner. -That was her only text.
Since then, Javier has never been the same. He exchanged exotic trips for getaways to small towns with Nala, discovering a side of Spain he had never valued before. His house was no longer the cold, empty place he returned to after work; it was now a home full of life. Even in her office, she implemented a policy for employees to bring their dogs to work, which completely transformed the work environment.
When he came back to visit me, months later, this time with Nala in his car, I saw him like never before: relaxed, happy, complete.
-Man, you were right. My life was a mess and I didn’t even know it. Nala has taught me what really matters.
-Welcome to the club of the truly rich, my friend. -I replied as Manuela, Markos and Max ran to greet Nala, as if they had known her forever.
And so, Javier discovered that true wealth is not in trips, cars or accounts full of zeros, but in simple and authentic moments, such as sharing your life with someone who loves you unconditionally, as only a dog knows how to do.
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From Mas Torrencito we wish you a good day and that your dog accompanies you !!!!
If you want, you can see our vouchers for weekends, retirees vouchers, at an incredible price…enter www.mastorrencito.com or if you want you can read more history and anecdotes that have happened to us in Mas Torrencito… Click here.
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