Many of us have said that phrase to ourselves, looking at our dog while he sleeps at the foot of the sofa, or when he greets us as if we were coming back from a war… after just taking out the garbage.

And the answer has no mystery, no fancy poetry.
It is simple, direct, and brutally true:
Because as a dog loves you, no one will love you.

A dog does not have a double bottom. It doesn’t lie. It doesn’t play with ulterior motives.
It doesn’t give you affection only if you behave well. He gives it to you because he does. Because you are his person.

You take it for granted at first, but with time you realize:
That love that asks for nothing, that is always there, that doesn’t leave even if you have a bad day, even if you don’t feel like it, even if life is turning you upside down…
that love is worth gold. And you don’t find it easily among humans.

Sometimes, while watching stories on Mastorrencito, we laugh (not to cry) at how contradictory human beings can be.
People who have dogs and are afraid of them.
Owners who bring them as if they were a decorative piece of furniture.
Others who say they love them, but don’t even know their dog’s name.

Masto en MasTorrencito

And yet, there they are. The dogs. Loyal, noble, putting up with our neuroses, our absences, our clumsiness.
Many of them know more about human emotions than humans themselves.

And if not, ask Manuela.

Ahhh… Manuela.
That bitch had a radar like the CIA.
She was incredible.
You would see her at the front desk and you would know, just by the way she looked at a customer who had just arrived, if things were going well… or if you’d better prepare the “cancel reservation” button.

-Do you know that one?
-No. First time here. But it will almost certainly also be the last.
-And how do you know?
-Because Manuela has passed him by like eating mud.

And in the end, wham, everything fit. It never failed.
It was as if he said: “I don’t want to deal with this one”, and after a while we already knew why.
And the thing is that they, the dogs, smell it. They notice.
They see things that we take weeks to detect.
And they don’t do it with hatred, or prejudice. They do it with instinct. With that furry wisdom of those who don’t speak, but say everything.

And that’s why, precisely for that reason, losses hurt us so much, that they mark our memories, that we still talk about them years later as if they had just walked out the door.
Because they left their mark. The good kind. The kind that won’t go away.
Because their love has no expiration date.

Final reflection

Having a dog is not a fashion, nor a whim. It is a real emotional commitment.
It is a pure bond that only demands one thing: to be there.

So if you are lucky enough to share your life with one, value it.
Not as an “animal”, but as that being who chose to love you unconditionally, even if you are not always up to the task.

And if you haven’t had one yet, don’t buy one.
Earn one.

Because when a dog gives you his heart
you’re gambling everything.
And believe me: it’s worth it.

From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and may your dogs be with you!!!!

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