It was Christmas Eve, and the Gomez family was looking for the perfect gift for their son Dani. The Christmas Gift by MasTorrencito
In a downtown pet store, a small white puppy caught her eye. It looked like a stuffed animal, with its soft fur and bright eyes that conveyed sweetness. The clerk assured them that it was “the ideal breed for a child,” and without thinking much about it, they bought it.
That night, the puppy, who was named Max, came home with a red ribbon tied around his neck. Dani was jumping for joy as she hugged the puppy.
-It’s the best present ever! -she shouted, kissing Max on the head.
The little puppy curled up in her lap, oblivious to what fate had in store for him. That first night, Max slept in a makeshift bed next to Dani’s bed. For the first few days, it seemed like everything was perfect. Dani played with him, held him and showed him off to his friends. His parents also enjoyed watching him run around the house. But, like all puppies, Max started to grow up.
Trouble started when Max stopped being that little cuddly toy that everyone loved. His sharp teeth started chewing on slippers and furniture. He needed to go out for exercise and learn where to relieve himself, but no one in the family was willing to spend time with him.
-Dani, take the dog for a walk,” the mother ordered one day.
-I don’t want to! I’m playing the console. Let daddy take it out.
But the father wouldn’t take him out either. Gradually, Max was no longer the center of attention. What was at first a happy and playful puppy, began to spend long periods of time alone. When he peed in the house, he was scolded, but no one showed him where to go. Soon, he was relegated to the backyard, where he barely saw the family.

Max cried at night, scratching at the door in the hope that someone would let him in. But the Gomezes had grown accustomed to ignoring him. The winter cold made his little body shiver, but no one seemed to notice.
-It’s just a dog,” said the father, shrugging his shoulders.
The Abandonment. The Christmas Gift by MasTorrencito
One ordinary Sunday, the father decided that Max could no longer stay at home.
-It’s a problem. Nobody takes care of it and it’s destroying the yard,” he said to his wife.
-What are we going to do with him? -she asked, uncomfortable.
-We’ll take him away. He won’t notice.
They loaded Max into the car. The little dog, excited to get out of the house, wagged his tail nonstop. Maybe he was finally going for a walk, he thought. Dani, on the other hand, didn’t even come out of her room to say goodbye.
The family drove to a lonely road in the middle of the forest. There, the father parked and led Max to a tree. He tied the leash to the trunk and, without looking at him, returned to the car. Max barked in confusion as he watched the vehicle disappear into the distance.
On the first day, Max pulled with all his might on the leash. He barked until he was hoarse, waiting for someone to come back. His eyes were full of hope. But no one came back.
On the second day, hunger and thirst began to weaken him. His legs trembled and he could barely stand. He looked around, but all he could see were trees and more trees.
On the third day, with what little strength he had left, Max bit down on the leash. He pulled desperately, as if his life depended on it, because it did. Finally, the leash gave way. Although exhausted and dehydrated, Max began to walk.
He didn’t know exactly where, but something inside him was guiding him: the desire to return home. He walked more than 10 kilometers through trails, roads and fields. He crossed dangerous stretches of asphalt, avoiding cars speeding by. No one knows how, but he arrived.
When his paws touched the sidewalk of his former home, Max wagged his tail with faint but genuine enthusiasm. He was skinny, covered in mud and wounds, but he was home.
Seeing the dog at the door, the Gomez family felt no joy. Only discomfort.
-Here again? -the father muttered angrily.
Without hesitation, they loaded Max back into the car. This time they drove further, to an even more isolated place, 50 kilometers away. The father repeated the act: he tied Max to a tree and left him there.
-This time he won’t find his way,” he said as he returned to the car.
The End of Max
Max didn’t have the strength to fight a second time. Days passed, and no one rescued him. He died there, tied to that tree in the middle of nowhere, his eyes tired of waiting for those he once thought were his family.
Final Reflection
This story, although painful, reflects a sad reality that is repeated every year. Thousands of animals are given away as if they were objects, without thinking about the responsibility that comes with caring for them.
Dogs are not toys or Christmas ornaments. They are living beings that feel, love and trust humans blindly. If you are not willing to dedicate time, effort and love to them, don’t have them.
Max wanted only love and a family to care for him. But instead, he found indifference and neglect. Let’s not allow more dogs to suffer the same fate. Next time you think about giving a puppy, remember: it’s not a gift, it’s a lifetime commitment.
For them, for us, let us be responsible.
From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and that your dogs accompany you !!!!
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