That’s the big question. And for many, it remains unanswered.

But before we dive into philosophical answers or self-help books, it’s worth starting with something simpler: what is happiness, really?

And then we start to get complicated. Because we are not clear about what it is. Because we believe it has to do with having more, with achieving something, with reaching an almost impossible state. Because we look for it in the extraordinary, in the distant, in what we do not yet have.

But maybe that’s not what happiness is. Maybe it’s something much simpler.

Look at the dogs.

They don’t need any of that. They have no abstract goals or existential crises. They are happy with basic things: companionship, affection, attention, presence. And that, in reality, is no small thing.

I see that every day at MasTorrencito.

Mastitwo, for example, has an energy that cannot be explained. When a regular customer arrives, one of those he already knows, he goes into overdrive. He jumps, runs, plays, moves as if he can’t handle so much joy. There is no calculation. No filter. It’s pure emotion. That spontaneous happiness that we humans have long since stopped expressing so freely.

Masto is different. More serene, more leisurely, but just as dedicated. As soon as someone enters the door, he goes straight for affection. He approaches slowly, with that look that says it all, and waits for a caress, a friendly hand, a gesture of affection. And when he receives it, he stays there, calm, as if he already has everything he needs.

Maky, el asesino de ovejas de Mastorrencito

And Mamas… Mamas is another story. She simply settles down next to the client. She lies close, noiselessly, without making any demands. She is. She accompanies. That silent presence that is also affection, that is also connection.

And then one wonders: why is it so hard for us to find that? Why do we need everything to be more complicated?

Because dogs don’t get lost in theories. They don’t look for happiness, they live it. They don’t analyze it, they feel it. And they remind us of it all the time. They teach us that many times it is enough to be. To share a moment. To stop thinking so much and just feel.

Even the dogs that arrive with the customers do so. Some come in a little nervous, exploring every corner. Others, from the first moment, feel at home. And they all end up connecting with each other and with us. There is something in that bond that needs no words. Something essential.

And therein lies the point.

While we fill ourselves with goals, dogs show us something else: that sometimes happiness is in the small, in the everyday, in the simple. In looking without judgment, in playing without reason, in accompanying without conditions.

Maybe being happy is not so complicated. Maybe you just have to unlearn a little and observe more those who have always had it clear.

And perhaps, if we learn to live a little more like them, we can also be happier… without dying trying.


Happiness is not a goal. It is a state that we sometimes forget because we are busy looking for it in the wrong places. We think it will come when we have more time, more money, more success, more certainties. But the truth is that most of the time it is much closer, even if we do not see it.

Dogs have it clear. They don’t accumulate, they don’t plan, they don’t compare. They just live. They give themselves to the moment. They are happy with the simple things: a look, a caress, a company.

And maybe that’s why they move us so much. Because in their way of being, they show us what we have been forgetting. That you don’t need to have it all figured out to be well. That you don’t need a grandiose reason to be happy. Sometimes it is enough to be next to someone, to feel seen, to feel part of something.

Humans tend to think too much. Dogs, on the other hand, feel. And there is a brutal wisdom in that. Because happiness, in the end, is not a result. It is a way of looking at the world. Of being present. To be grateful for the small things. To stop searching all the time and start living a little more.

Maybe that’s the key: to stop complicating everything and get back to basics.

From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and may your dogs be with you!!!!

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