A veces, no puedo evitar pensar que vivimos en un país que necesita un reset completo. Cada día parece traer consigo un nuevo escándalo, una nueva muestra de lo podrido que está todo. Mi visión sobre el país: un grito de impotencia y reflexión

How is it possible that the head of anti-money laundering, someone who should be a symbol of integrity, ends up being the most corrupt guy of all? A guy with 20 million hidden in the walls of his house, a million in the drawers of his office, Ferraris, BMWs and Lamborghinis! And nobody noticed? But of course, if I, as a freelancer, decide to buy a car, they inspect me because I use it on weekends, and of course… I’m already in the spotlight. It is surreal, outrageous and exhausting.

I always try to see the positive in things, I am not one of those who complains for any nonsense, but there comes a time when you ask yourself: what else do they have to do to us to make us react? Sometimes I think this country needs to burn itself to the ground, metaphorically speaking, for something to change. I was in favor of the Independence of Catalonia… just to try to live in a less rotten country and with more honest leaders… We have become puppets who settle for crumbs, while those at the top take it all.

The reality of the small entrepreneur and the self-employed

I have been working as a freelancer for years, and I say it clearly: we can’t take it anymore. I don’t know how we put up with it, neither I nor the thousands of others who are in this situation. We get up every day to work like beasts, and after 17 years, what do I have? Nothing. Not one euro to invest, no security, not even the peace of mind of knowing that I can cover an unforeseen event. And for what? So that, in the meantime, those who should be protecting us are busier lining their pockets than fixing the real problems.

It’s just not normal. It is not normal that after so many years working, I continue to earn the same or less than before. It is not normal that there are days when a friend of ours is afraid to turn on the heating or the lights because the bill is going to drown her. And, mind you, I know there are others who are worse off. People who work endless days, living in shared rooms because they can’t afford anything else. How can it be that a person with a salary of 1,400 euros cannot live with dignity in this country? It is a madness that we accept as if it were inevitable. How is it possible that our elders are given a pension of 600 or 700 euros? But for what?

A person, with more than 15 years of experience, working, even doing some other hours… as things are today… if he/she is not with someone… would either have to live with his parents or his brother/sister or in a shared apartment… and like that person… thousands… OR NOT?

And if you have bought an apartment with your partner and you separate… I can’t even tell you about all the calculations you have to make…

The cynicism of the political class

And meanwhile, politicians remain in their bubble, completely disconnected from reality. Nobody resigns, not even when there are dead people behind their decisions. People like that MEP, with pending cases, are still in power as if nothing happened. Corruption is the norm, and the worst thing is that we have reached a point where we are no longer surprised.

All we ask for, at least I do, is a little empathy, a gesture. Was it so hard to give up a month’s salary and allocate it to the families affected by the DANA? With something so simple, they would have already done more for the people than in all these years. But no, because they care little or nothing about “poor” towns like those in Valencia. And if not, let’s look at what happened with La Palma: more than 1,000 families living in containers, and nobody talks about them. What difference is there between them and what we are seeing now in Valencia? None. It is a pattern that repeats itself: empty promises, abandonment and oblivion.

My conclusion: a broken country

It really makes me angry. Because I love this country, but I feel that they are taking it out of our hands. They squeeze us, they exploit us and, in the end, they leave us alone. If we don’t do something, this is hopeless. It’s that there will come a day when people will say, “This is as far as we’ve come.” And I don’t say that in a fatalistic spirit, but because I feel it in the atmosphere. There is a generalized despair, a lack of hope that is spreading.

We cannot go on like this. We cannot accept that the worker has no future, that the self-employed is the number one enemy and that the political class does whatever it wants without consequences. This has to change, and it has to change now.

This is my thought, my cry of rage. I say it from my experience, from my frustration. Because I can’t take it anymore, because I don’t want more. And I am sure I am not the only one.

From Mas Torrencito we wish you a good day and that your dog accompanies you !!!!

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