It was not so long ago, although I still shudder at the memory. It all started as an ordinary day, one of those that promise tranquility. Manuela and I left MasTorrencito on our way to the laguillo, our favorite spot. The day I died by MasTorrencito
She, at 16 years old, still had that vitality that only Golden Retrievers seem to maintain, while I… well, let’s just say that my engine was already a little rusty.
-Another walk, eh? I said as I tried to tie my boots, already with the first sweat of the day.
Manuela was looking at me from the door, with the leash in her mouth and that expression of patience mixed with “What’s taking you so long? If she could speak, I’m sure she would have said:
-Are we going now or are you planning to get old sitting there?

We started our walk along the path leading out of the village. The air smelled of damp earth and rosemary; a scent that always made me feel at home. The sun was beginning to rise, gently warming the path. Manuela, as always, was one step ahead, sniffing every stone, every branch, as if the whole world depended on her meticulous inspection.
-Manuela, is it necessary to analyze every single bush?
She turned for a moment, looked at me, and went about her business.
The ride was the same as usual, but there was something strange that day. Everything was too quiet. The birds, which used to accompany us with their cheerful din, seemed to have taken the day off. Even the wind, which used to play among the trees, was absent. I felt a slight heaviness in my chest, but I attributed it to the heat or to the coffee I had drunk in too much of a hurry.
Ugh… I think I’m out of shape,” I muttered, pausing for a moment to catch my breath.
Manuela, as if she understood, sat down next to me, but not without giving me that look that said:
-In shape? You never had it!
We continued walking, although my pace was getting slower and slower. The laguillo should not be far away now, but that weight in my chest began to intensify. I tried to ignore it, concentrating on the sound of my boots on the ground, but suddenly, a stronger tug forced me to stop.
-Manuela… wait… I think something’s not right.
She turned, tilting her head to one side, her ears flopping to one side as if trying to solve a complicated riddle. She walked over to me and sniffed my pants.
-Man, don’t scare me. If you collapse here, what do I do?
I tried to laugh at his “comment”, but no more than a weak gasp came out. I decided to sit under a nearby tree, hoping that the discomfort would pass. Manuela lay down next to me, though she kept watching me. Her slow, calm breathing was a contrast to mine, which seemed like that of a poorly calibrated bellows.
And then it happened. I felt a tug, not only in my chest, but in my whole body. As if someone had turned off a switch… As if when you are putting a light cable, the two of them come together and CHOOOFFFF… the leads go out… In the blink of an eye, there I was, floating outside myself, seeing my own body lying under the tree.

-I’ve died! -I exclaimed, although I don’t know if it was out loud or just in my mind.
Manuela raised her head and stared at me. And no, she was not looking at my body, but directly at me, at the floating “me”.
-Do you see what happens because you don’t listen to me? I always tell you not to try so hard, but no, you always go on your epic rides.
-Manuela, can you hear me?
-Of course I listen to you, I always listen to you. It’s another thing if you listen to me.
I couldn’t believe it. Not only did my dog understand every word, but now we were talking!
-What do I do now? I’m dead!
-Well, man, I’d tell you to relax, but we can’t stay here either. What are people going to think if they find a dead guy in the middle of the trail?
-What do you suggest? I asked, desperate.
Manuela stood up, shaking a little, and pointed her head towards the road.
-Al laguillo. We have to get there. I’m sure a good dip fixes everything. It always does.
-Chapuzon? Are you crazy? -I’m floating!
-And do you have a better idea? Come on, move. Or float, whatever you do now.
Resigned, I followed her to the laguillo. The landscape seemed different from my new perspective. The colors were more vivid, the sounds sharper. But my mind was too busy thinking about how to get back to my body to enjoy it.
When we arrived, Manuela ran to the shore and barked, looking into the crystal clear water.
-Come on, get in. This isn’t a spa, but it’ll do for you.
-What if it doesn’t work?
-Then at least you will have done something fun for once in your life. Come on, jump!
With no other options, I closed my eyes (or whatever I had now) and dove into the water. I felt a jolt, as if the whole universe slapped me in the face, and suddenly, I was back in my body, lying on the shore and soaked to the bone. Manuela was looking at me, shaking off the water as if nothing had happened.
-Oysters… I’m here!
-And where are you going to be? There? You’re not even normal when you die.
-Don’t overdo it, Manuelita….
Suddenly, in the distance, I saw a tractor approaching. It must be one of my neighbors. Manuela jumped out, running as if she were a puppy. I don’t know how she did it, but she got to the driver, barked at him and, I don’t know if it was luck or a miracle, she got him to help me!
The next thing I remember is waking up in the CAP of Báscara, surrounded by cables and machines. And there she was, my Manuela, giving me a lick on the hand.
-Welcome to the world of the living, Miguel,” the doctor told me.
-Ostis! I’ve had such a bad time! What happened?
-You had a heart attack. This four-legged blonde saved your life. Not only did she bring you Fonsu, but she didn’t leave your side for a second. We let her in because otherwise she would bite.
I looked at Manuela, tears in my eyes, and stroked her head.
-Manuela is a lot of Manu… isn’t she, my girl?
And that’s how my faithful companion saved my life. If I learned anything that day, it’s that there is nothing better in life than having someone who loves you… whether it’s with words or barks.
From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and may your dogs be with you!!!!
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