It was a quiet afternoon when he arrived. A German man, tall, serious, with a large, black, unneutered dog. It was not something that went unnoticed, especially since I have dogs and had already made it clear in the house conditions that this was a problem. The Selfishness of the Wandering Traveler by MasTorrencito
But well, with the economic situation as it is, I preferred not to complicate things. I kept mine and accepted the guest with a forced smile.
From the beginning, his attitude was awkward. He was not rude, but pretentious, as if he was used to having everything done his way. I decided to put him up in a superior room that I had vacant. I thought it would be better for both him and me, as he would be more comfortable and away from the hustle and bustle. As I explained the rules and workings of the house, he responded with impatient gestures, as if he didn’t have time to listen to what he already “knew”.
Soon after, he sent me a WhatsApp message asking me to light the pellet stove. I did so without a problem. But, strangely enough, just five minutes later, he was back in his room. It was clear to me that he had lit the stove more on a whim than out of necessity.
In the evening, he made another request:
-I want breakfast at 6:30, because I have to get to Malaga early. I will leave around 7.
It was not ideal, but not a problem for me as an early riser. I got up at five o’clock to prepare everything: fresh coffee, toast, fruit, omelet, hot dishes, bacon, sausage, French omelets, yogurt, cold cuts… a full breakfast, just for him. Everything was ready at 6:30.
But at 7:15 he showed up dressed, suitcases in hand, ready to leave.
-Aren’t you going to have breakfast? -I asked, pointing to the table.
-No, I’m not hungry. Tell me how much I owe you, I’m leaving.

I charged him for what I had written down: three beers and some meatballs I had had the night before. He paid without argument and left.
When I went to pick up the room, I discovered the real bill for his stay. He had consumed two cups of coffee, two cans of Coke, two bags of chips and a glass of wine, all taken without warning or writing it on the bill. I don’t know if he did it carelessly or with full intention, but I stared at it without knowing how to react.
That scene perfectly summed up his stay: someone who takes what he wants regardless of the effort or courtesy of the recipient. I just picked up and cleaned up. After all, there’s not much else to do with people like that.
From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and may your dogs be with you!!!!
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