It was one of those days when you think nothing exciting can happen. You know, just another day in the routine calendar, one of those days when you think everything is under control. Energies energies… come to me… by MasTorrencito
But no, because life always has an unexpected card up its sleeve. And as I always say, “What you think will never happen to you…. TATE, it happens to you.”
It all started with a phone call. A client. One of those that lately you can count on the fingers of one hand, and you have fingers to spare. “That goes for you, dear ghost customers. Come along, because otherwise I’m going to end up typing these stories on a Wallapop typewriter. I’ll leave it at that.”
-Hello, I’m at the door. May I come in? -asks a voice on the other end of the line.
-Do you have a reservation? -I said, already knowing that the answer would be a resounding “no”.
-No, but before sleeping I would like to see it, feel it, notice it…. -he answers with a seriousness that almost makes me laugh.
With that sentence I knew I was in for a case worthy of noting in the diary of “moments I can’t invent”. But, as we had no one else in the hotel, I resigned myself and answered:
-Okay, come in, let’s see what happens.
The reception: a very special welcoming committee
I go down to the door, and the first thing that happens is not that I greet him, but that they do. Masto, Maky, Mastitwo and Mamas, our four dogs and the real guardians of the hotel, come out like rockets. They approach you curious, but not invasively, with that mix of welcome and “let’s evaluate you, human.”
-But how wonderful! says the client, bending down to greet them.
Masto, the cuddliest, gives him a friendly nuzzle, almost knocking him over, and Maky starts jumping around him with that enthusiasm that only she has. Mamas, always the most observant, inspects him from head to toe, as if she can see his soul.

But the special connection comes with Mastitwo, our Cafre with different eyes, one brown and the other blue. The customer stares at him.
-This dog has… an incredible look. It’s like he can see right through me.
“Or maybe he’s thinking about how to eat your sandwich if you’re not paying attention,” I thought, but didn’t say so.
The paradise according to him and the canine energies
When we finally managed to get into the hotel (after Mastitwo followed him as if they were soul mates), the man kept praising everything. While he was talking, Masto and Mamas were lying on the terrace, Maky was walking around the table, and Mastitwo was sitting in front of him, looking at him as if they were old friends.
-This is… paradise. Dogs have a special energy. I love the peace they transmit.
That’s when I gave up, what was I going to do? Between his comments about “paradise” and how the dogs picked up on his “positivity,” I decided to just let go.
The tour of the rooms (and the vibe)
-Do you want me to show you the room? -I said, trying to redirect the conversation.
-Yes, please!
I took it to the suite, thinking it best to start with something impressive. But no. As he walked in, he started with the comments:
-Hmmm… I don’t know, it’s a little dark, isn’t it?
-Sir, it’s eight o’clock in the evening… in January. It’s nighttime.
We continue with the other rooms: Pineapple, Orange, Red Fruits, Grapefruit. Nothing convinced him. And in each one, Mastitwo followed him like a shadow, while Maky went in and out as if inspecting for him.
-I think I’m getting a better vibe over there,” he said, pointing to the two upstairs rooms.
We arrived at the last room. He entered slowly, as if afraid of disturbing the “cosmic balance” of the place. He looked around, frowning as if he were analyzing the atmosphere at the molecular level. Then he blurted out:
-It’s a little cold in here, isn’t it?
I took a deep breath, armed with patience and answered:
-Of course, it’s January! But don’t worry, we have the heating of the rooms stopped, and even more these upstairs, but don’t worry, I’ll turn it on now, and besides, the vibrations in this room warm the soul faster than any radiator.
The man looked at me with eyes like saucers, as if I had just revealed a secret of the universe. I, meanwhile, tried to keep my composure and not burst out laughing. He kept walking around the room as if he was looking for something invisible, caressing the walls, touching the furniture… And I was standing there, with the same energy as a mattress salesman on a day without customers.
Then he turns to me and says:
-What about the sheets, what are they made of? Because I feel that the texture here is important for my life energy.
At that moment, I didn’t know if I was starring in an episode of a surreal series or if it was a test of the universe to practice my patience. With my best professional tone, I replied:
-100% cotton, soft and comfortable. Perfect for balancing energies.
And he, as if he had heard the magic words, nodded slowly, eyes closed, as if in a spiritual trance. Mastitwo, who had followed him there, watched him from the doorway with his characteristic “is this guy really okay?” expression.
After a few minutes of silent inspection, he finally said:
-Yes. Here I feel my energy aligning. This is the place.
“At last!” I thought. Mastitwo came over, lay down at his feet, and that seemed to seal the deal.
The perfect closing. Energies energies… come to me… by MasTorrencito
The next day, when I saw him still meditating on the terrace with Mastitwo and Maky by his side, I thought it was going to be hard for him to leave. And it was. But after a couple of subtle reminders – and the occasional comment about “new guests arriving” – he packed up his things.
Before leaving, he turned, put a hand on his heart and said:
-This place is special. I will come back. Your dogs… and this energy… are unique.
I watched him walk away, and Mastitwo, sitting next to me, looked at me with those mismatched eyes full of canine wisdom, as if to say, “Easy, boss. This one’s already lined up.”
And so, with an exhausted smile and one more story to tell, I sat down to reflect on the day. Because, as I always say: what you think will never happen to you… TATE, it does.
From MasTorrencito we wish you a good day and may your dogs be with you!!!!
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